【同义词辨析】 2019-06-28 邋遢slatternly-blowsy
slatternly: stresses notions of slovenliness, unkemptness, and sordidness: a run-down ~ apartment. (slovenly有2个意思,1、邋遢不整洁messy, unclean, untidy,如slovenly clothes/habit不整洁的衣服/邋遢的习惯,如he grew lazy and slovenly in his habits他养成了懒散邋遢的习惯; 2、马虎的careless, 如slovenly thinking随便的想一想,如Lisa was irritated by the slovenly attitude of her boy friend莉萨对男朋友吊儿郎当的态度很恼火) (unkempt没收拾的、头发蓬乱not looked after carefully or kept neat,如his hair was unkempt and filthy他的头发蓬乱污秽) sordid脏到恶心的 这个词的解释很好记,首字母是词根sus,表示下边
dowdy: is likely to suggest a complete lack of taste resulting from a combination of the untidy, drab, and tasteless: an old hotel with an imposing but ~ appearance. (drab乏味不吸引人黄褐色implies what lacks interest or color, or what is dull or boring,如drab clothes/woman/colors/office乏味的衣服/女人/颜色/办公室,如life was now drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas比起海外令人兴奋的生活, 现在的生活显得平淡乏味, 这个词最早表示黄褐色的衣服,后来形容slovenly woman邋遢女人)
frowsy: may describe a lazy lack of neatness, order, and cleanliness: a ~ old office; or it may apply to a natural and not unwholesome disorder: a thicket ~ with underbrush; or it may suggest drab misery and squalor: tried her best to overcome the ~ circumstances under which she grew up. (neat整洁,本身就有order和clean两层意思,如her house is as neat as a pin她家十分整洁一尘不染,tidy和neat同义,指勤于维护的整洁implies neatness diligently maintained,如a tidy desk整洁的书桌) (wholesome健康,这个词表示的是"外观看上去"健康,如looks especially wholesome in her new sports suits她穿了套新运动服,显得格外健康) (squalor肮脏污秽,特别是贫穷忽略引起的肮脏污秽implies what is dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect,如they lived in squalor and disease他们在肮脏和疾病肆虐的环境中生活) underbrush下层灌木灌木丛
blowsy: implies dishevelment or disorder: looked ~ and dissolute; to which is often added a notion of crudity or coarseness or grossness: songs carelessly belted out by a ~ singer. 这个词最早表示红面蓬头垢面的女乞丐 (dishevelment蓬乱,如the wind disheveled her风吹乱她的头发和衣裳) dissolute放荡behaving in an immoral way
slatternly邋遢: 表示不整洁肮脏邋遢,dowdy没品位: 表示乏味不整洁没品味,frowsy不整洁不整齐糟糕: 表示不整洁或正常自然的参差不齐或悲惨贫困肮脏的环境,blowsy蓬乱劣质: 表示头发蓬乱衣冠不整;或表示低劣粗陋
记忆方法: 1)首字母SDFB从后往前想成不法的事<==把邋遢看得很严重
2)邋遢的意思是外表衣着不整洁清新时髦mean deficient in neatness, freshness, and smartness, especially in dress or appearance. smart是clever聪明的同义词,但还表示在某些方面出色,如street smart表示善于走街串巷,本例中smart表示会穿衣服即穿衣漂亮或时髦